Annina Rusch
Annina Rusch is a flautist and music pedagogue from Switzerland. Since her first flute lesson at the age of nine, music became more and more important in her life, determining her decision to pursue a career as a musician.
In 2011, she began her preliminary studies at the Zurich Conservatory and a year later was accepted into Philippe Racine's flute class at the Zurich University of Arts, receiving her bachelor's degree in 2015. Subsequently, she started her first master's study in music education with a minor in orchestra at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts under the guidance of Charles Aeschlimann and Anne-Laure Pantillon. Back at the Zurich University of Arts, she completed another master's degree in the Fall of 2021, earning a diploma in Elementary Music Education from the Department of Music and Movement.
Early on, Annina acquired experience in various chamber music ensembles and youth orchestras, such as the Jugendsinfonie Orchester Zürich, in which she played the principal flute for many years. She won several first and second prizes in the Swiss Youth Music Competition in the categories solo and chamber music, all the while being active as a soloist and participating in the concert series of the Zurich Chamber Orchestra "ZKO stellt vor". In 2017 Annina Rusch was a finalist at the "Concours International des jeunes interprètes" in Val de Travers and has served as a substitute at the Musikkollegium Winterthur an the Kammerorchester Basel for several years.
Currently Annina is mainly active as a pedagogue. She teaches flute at different music schools in Aargau and works in the field of elementary music education with kindergarten and primary school children. Being a very versatile flautist, she is part of various ensembles and productions ranging from classical concerts and children's musicals to performances and recordings of jazz, pop and film music. The musical collaboration with the Trio Lusinea forms the core of her chamber music activities.
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